December 26, 2010
December 23, 2010
setelah dapat result hari nie, aku agak rasa cam nak nangis gak...
tapi bila ingat balik janji ALLAH, aku buang semua perasaan yang x best....
apa ye janji ALLAH???...
"Allah x akan membebankan hambaNya dengan ujian yang x sanggup dipikul hambaNya"...
memang benarlah setiap janji Allah....x ada yang dapat menyangkal,....
aku cuba muhasabah diri balik. Allah juga berjanji yang DIA hanya akan bagi kepada kita apa yang kita perlukan, bukan apa yang kita mahukan. dan Allah juga hanya bagi mengikut kesesuaian usaha kita untuk mencapai sesuatu..
Muhasabah 1:
aku kurang berusaha...
memang aku akui, usaha yang aku buat memang setimpal dengan result yang aku dapat. tak sesiapa yang aku boleh salahkan sekarang kecuali diri aku...
tapi aku kena ingat yang kesalahan dilakukan supaya x berulang lagi..
bukan menjadi penyebab aku terus kalah tanpa sebarang perubahan...
Muhasabah 2:
aku leka dengan dunia...
Nauzubillah...sukar untuk aku akui...tapi itulah hakikatnya...
dunia yang sementara nie yang aku cari...sedangkan akhirat yang jadi bekalan hilang...
kenapa?...aku nak berjaya tapi aku jarang mencari Allah dalam membina kekuatan...
bukan kekuatan untuk berperang, tapi kekuatan untuk aku hadapi ujian-Nya di masa akan datang.....
Muhasabah 3:
setiap orang ada kelebihannya...
semua orang dalam dunia nie memang unik...mereka unik dengan segala macam perangai dan juga kelebihan...ada yang lebih dari segi pelajaran, kecantikan malah dari segi pangkat dan harta...tapi itu semua bukanlah menjadi ayu ukur seseorang itu sangat berjaya...
kejayaan yang dibina daripada bawah adalah lebih manis daripada kejayaan yang dibina dengan menindas orang bawahan...
muhasabah yang aku senaraikan bukan saja untuk pelajaran, tapi juga untuk berjaya dalam hidup sebagai hamba Allah yang bertakwa dan beriman..
kesenangan yang diberikan janganlah disalah guna...
Nukilan Ikhlas,
November 28, 2010
November 11, 2010
October 29, 2010
aku sebagai seorang pelajar medik kadang2 tertanya2 gak pasalbedah cadaver nie...
tp Alhamdulillah..
habis baca artikel nie...dapat la sikit kekuatan nak teruskan menuntut ilmu..
harap spe2 yg baca dapat la gak ilmu...
"O' servants of Allah, seek treatment for your ailments, for surely He who has created the disease has also given a cure for it. Those who are knowledgeable will be able to discover this cure." (Related by Bukhari)
Aisha' narrated that the prophet (s.A.w.) said:
"Indeed the Believers would be hardly pressed, and indeed every believer who is to suffer even from a sting or pain, Allah would as a reward, erase one of his sins and increase his rewards a degree." (Related by Ahmad, Ibn Sa'd, al-Bayhaq & al-Hakim)
The opinion among most Fuqaha (jurists) is that seeking medical treatment is either recommended (Mandub) or obligatory. There are many Hadiths which encourage the Muslims to seek medical treatment. Therefore it is up to the patient to decide whether or not if he or she wants to undergo organ transplant.
In regards to the prohibition of violating and mutilating the dead, it has been narrated that a man was digging a grave and he stumbled on some bones, the Prophet of Allah (s.A.w.) said:
"Breaking the bones of the dead is like breaking the bones of the living."
(Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud & Ibn Majah)
It is a general rule in Fiqh in which it is prohibited to violate, harm or mutilate the dead body whether it is a Muslim or non-Muslim cadaver, as an act of revenge, showing disrespect or doing so without any good reason. There are exceptions to this general rule especially in the light when there is a Necessity (Darurah).
"The Fuqaha of the Maliki and the Hanbal schools state that it is impermissible to dissect a dead pregnant lady in order to retrieve the baby, as it is difficult to determine whether the baby is alive. Because of this uncertainty, it should not be a cause to violate the sanctity of the dead. On the other hand, the Fuqaha of Shafi'i allows this dissection to be carried out. Besides, to dissect a dead body in order to remove valuable goods is allowed according to Jumhur (majority of scholars or the three Madhdhabs as opposed to just one) except the Hanbal school."
(Ad-Durr al-Mukhtar 3/246)
Nowadays, it is possible for medical authorities to determine whether the baby is alive or not when such cases arise. The uncertainty that some Fuqaha had, is thus removed.
In Fiqh al-Islam wa Adillatuh (7/3), the author concludes:
"Based on the rulings which allows dissection on dead bodies in specific cases, therefore any dissection or operation done on the dead body due to a significant necessity is allowable. For example, dissection for the knowledge of medicine and dissection in order to find the cause of death to convict criminals by which there are no other avenues to come to the truth (al-Haq). These are based on the Shari'ah principle of establishing justice ('Adil) in any ruling given by the court, in order to avoid injustice (Dhalim) from happening to the innocent or to ensure the guilty not to escape from the punishment as a result of his crimes.
Even though such dissections are allowed, it should be done within necessary limits without overdoing it. Besides, the sanctity of the dead body has to be respected and handled properly. After the investigation, bits and pieces should be gathered, the body should be closed by suturing it up and finally shrouding the body.
It is also allowable to perform any organ transplant such as the human heart or the eye. This must be with the condition that the donor is proven to be dead by a specialist in the field. This is because the priority is given to the living. The success of recovering vision for a human is a wonderful gift and is demanded by the Shara'."
In al-Ifta', The Permanent Committee for Legal Rulings (Fatawa) in Saudi Arabia conclude the following regarding dissection on dead bodies:
Dissection to discover if there is a criminal act causing the death is sanctioned.
Dissection to see if there is a contagious disease and to then conclude how to stop its spread is sanctioned.
Dissection for educational and training purposes is accepted
October 16, 2010
yang nie gambar Azhar n Mizah tgh tido..dalam perjalanan dari Kolhapur nak g Gokak Fall..ntah nape aku x ngantok masa nie..
waktu nie kat atas bridge...kitorg kne lalu jmbatan nie tok seberang Gokak Fall..mmg seram gler..brgoyang2 kat atas 2..hahaha...
August 22, 2010
it's been a long time x tulis dlam blog nie...
diary aku pn da lme x brsentuh..
sumenye sbb tawaran medik n de byk plak assignment skunk..
mggu dpan plak de kuiz or ujian tok penilaian...
FYI, hri khamis nie aku de kt USM penang tok amik exam MUNSYL...
byk la plak dwit nk pkai..
July 17, 2010
UnisZA secara rasmi nama baru UDM
KUALA LUMPUR 21 Jun - Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDM) yang ditubuhkan pada 2006 kini ditukar nama kepada Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZA) berkuat kuasa 14 Mei lalu.
Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin berkata, penukaran nama UDM kepada UnisZA adalah mengambil kira sejarah UDM yang pada asalnya adalah Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin (KUSZA) sebelum dinaik taraf kepada sebuah universiti.
"Pertukaran nama UDM telah mendapat perkenan oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 13 April 2010 dan telah diwartakan pada 13 Mei 2010," katanya dalam kenyataan akhbar di sini hari ini.
Menurut beliau, UnisZA menjadi harapan kepada rakyat Malaysia agar dapat melahirkan pemimpin yang berkaliber dan berkarisma.
"Penubuhan UnisZA diharap dapat melahir dan membentuk pemimpin yang pemikirannya diasuh dengan ilmu, budaya tinggi, akhlak luhur serta berwajah antarabangsa selaras dengan visi UnisZA itu sendiri," ujarnya.
UDM telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2006 dan merupakan universiti awam yang ke-18 di negara ini.
Hasrat penubuhannya adalah untuk menjadi institusi pendidikan berstatus universiti penuh yang menawarkan pelbagai program akademik di Terengganu.
Universiti ini mula beroperasi di kampus Kolej Sultan Zainal Abidin, sebuah institusi pendidikan agama yang bersejarah di Terengganu dan langkah ini diwujudkan bagi membolehkan beberapa program yang ditawarkan oleh KUSZA sebelum ini dinaik taraf kepada program ijazah.
June 12, 2010
Perlawanan Pembukaan Piala Dunia 2010
bosan gler tgk game nie...
mula2 mexico da bley dpat 1st gol,...
tp yg peliknya..pengadil line ckp off said..
tp kalau tgk kat rakaman, ada sorang lg pemain south africa kat ats line gol..
x tau la kalau aku yg x tau..
tp my dad pun kate x off said..
game nie pn byk yg syg bola..
lg2 pemain mexico..
dorg ada byk x da peledak kat dlm kwsan D..
game nie pn nmpak brat sblah kt tuan rumah..
bosan la tgk..
penonton x byk yg bersorak..
bunyi horn je yg bising,..
sakit telinga aku..
apa2 pn aku hrap lpas nie..x da la game yg mcm nie..
aku bukan nk kutuk, tp game nie mcam aku tgk liga malaysia..
kalau mcm 2 la main smpai hbis..
aku rse malaysia pn lyak nk brtanding kat Piala Dunia..
June 11, 2010
suke lgu nie..
mmg aku x nk keseorangan kt dunia nie..
kwn2 n family la yg wat smgat aku kuat evryday..
I said I don't want to walk this earth if I gotta do it solo.
See girl we used to be a team
Runnin the streets (yeah)
We was living out our dream (ohh)
You used to be my rider
I was your provider
Now we separated in two
Oh we was burning up the block(yeah)
And everybody know when we step in the spot(ohh)
See, we was like the dynamic duo
Id never thought that you'd go, but you did uh, yeah you did
Oh baby you left and sailed away alone (Yeah, alone)
And now you got me trapped up on this island
Where nowhere to get home
And I don't wanna go, go
I don't wanna go, go
I don't wanna it no, no
I don't wanna it no, no
I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo (solo)
Cuz I was so high
And now im so low
And I don't wanna walk around alone, solo
Said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)
You was the beat on to my top line,
Put us together
And you'd have to hit rewind
See, you give me a purpose
Now I'm getting nervous
That my heart will never sing again
Oh, when we was runnin up the airways,
They knew us from the Virgin Islands to the U.K.
See, we was on the way to the platinum and gold
Never thought that you'd go but you did ya, ya you did
Oh baby you left and sailed away alone (Yeah, alone)
And now you got me trapped up on this island
Where nowhere to get home
And I don't wanna go, go
I don't wanna go, go
I don't wanna it no, no
I don't wanna it no, no
I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo (solo)
Cuz I was so high
And now im so low
And I don't wanna walk around alone, solo
Said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O
(no no no)
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O
"Oo uh oh,oh uh oh,
Oo uh oh oh oh uh oh,"
I don't wanna walk((S-O-L-O))
And I don't wanna go,go
I don't wanna go, go
I don't wanna it no, no
I don't wanna it no, no
Cuz I was so high
And now im so low
And I don't wanna walk around alone,(Solo)
Said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)
June 10, 2010
wahh...akhirnye kuar gak vampire diaries dalam DRAMA..lau nk tgk..evry tuesday 9.30pm at 8TV...korng dialu-alukan tok tgk..
aku pun bru bce bukunye..
tp buku yg ke-3 and ke-4..
tp best la..
tok yg kali nie..Elena blom lg jd vampire..
tp bler dah buku ke-3, dia tukar jd vampire sbb die mgkn x kan slamat lpas accident..
yg tukar dia jd vampire DAMON!!!!
tp ketahuilah yg Damon dgn Stefan jd vampire sbb jatuh cinta dgn Katherine...
mula2 dorng igt yg Katherine dah dia hidup lg mase buku ke-3..
so aku x nak citer lbey,..
korg layan je la..
May 15, 2010
KOREA menang piala uber...
best gler tgk cina kalah..
tp cina ttap ada kelebihan tp bregu yg last da penat..
and tgn pun da sakit..
May 14, 2010
ske gler lgu nie..
giv me inspiration..
[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
Give Travie a wish list
I’d probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain’t never had sh-t
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
Its been a couple months since I’ve single so
You can call me Travie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, hehe, I’d probably visit where Katrina hit
And damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah can’t forget about me stupid
Everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
Oh oooh oh oooh for when I’m a Billionaire
[Travis "Travie" McCoy]
I’ll be playing basketball with the President
Dunking on his delegates
Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
But keep the fives, twentys (?) completely separate
And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket
We in recession but let me take a crack at it
I’ll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
Eating good sleeping soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
Go in your pocket pull out your wallet
And put it in the air and sing
[Bruno Mars]
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
I wanna be a billionaire so frickin bad!