Tadi Muya, so, sekarang Dayah la pulak…blank kejap~~~~
Pe nak tulis pasal Dayah ek??...any idea???...ok, let’s start…
Nama penuh beliau ialah Norhidayah binti Nordin…asalnya from Marang, Terengganu….anak perempuan last from 9 siblings (9 kan????...hee)…
Things I know about her:
i)she likes to laugh kuat2…haha..
ii)a bit taller than me…( a bit ok)…
iii)her roommate is Mimi…
now, check out some of her hot2 pics baby:

few words from me about her…she seems to be so strong luarannya, but when you know her, she’s fragile…(bukan la fragile sgt)…she loves her friends…sometimes you may get annoy with her, BUT you will easily forget about it…(in a blink of eyes )….trust me…hehe…what I like about her is that she don’t bias….she speaks what she thinks…outspoken la…but at the same time still thinks bout others feeling…at 1st time I met her I feel like nothing will make us close…but as time passes makin rapat la plak…pelik..hehe…aku rasa setakat nie je la yang mampu aku tulis utk tatapan org…yang lain biarlah rahsia..
oh begitu roomate sy .haha sy ?
ReplyDeletebegitulah mimi...from my eyes la..
ReplyDeletefrom ur eyes x tau la...haha..
awk??..nxt time ok...hehe..