
"Move Forward Even A Step Or You Will Fall Forever"

September 20, 2011

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Salam sejahtera sahabat2. Setelah beberapa bulan x update (tipu, hari 2 kan dah??...hehe..), maksudnya entry yg betul2 la..adei..topik perbincangan kita hari nie ialah AIR MATA ataupun TEARS dlm bahasa Inggeris..eleh, nk ckp ‘omputih’ plak..huh..


Orait, pernah x korg ckp kat org lain or paling ‘koman’ pun dlm hati korg kutuk org yg menangis…pernah x???..mesti penah punya..

alah ko nie, kucing mati pn nk nangis..”

weyh, x gentleman la laki nangis..”

Ayat2 kat atas biasa kita dengar..(pasal kucing mati 2 x la selalu ek..hehe..contoh je..). ..tapi pernah x korg terpikir, sebenarnya korg menipu diri sendiri??...betul aku ckp..korg tipu diri sendiri..sebab, tipu la korg x penah nangis!!!TIPU~~~

Fuhh, lek Pai..sekarang aku bagi korg apa yg aku nampak bila seseorang 2 menangis..bagi aku bila kita menangis, sebenarnya kita melepaskan beban emosi..antara beban nyata yang kita pikul dengan beban emosi, beban emosi adalah tersangat berat..

Secara fisiologinya, apabila kita terlalu stress, macam2 penyakit akn muncul..paling teruk bila gangguan mental jadi..so, aku sarankan menangis la bila dah terlalu banyak beban emosi yg korg tanggung..there is no restriction..tp pikir gak psl org lain..nangis je la..jgn la nk melalak plak..adei..

Kita selalu ckp hidup yg sihat mestilah kuat fizikal dan mental..ada jugak  tambah spiritual..elok la..kombinasi yg sgt menakjubkan…sihat fizikal korg bley wat dgn bersenam n mkn makanan yg halal dan baik..kalau aku, aku gabung mental dan spiritual sekali..

Bila menghadap Allaah, kita sebenarnya dah menenangkan mental kita..disamping kita menyihatkan dan memantapkan spiritual kita..adoi, camner plak nk gabung?..hehe..caranya dgn mengadu semua masalah kita pada Allaah…lebih2 lg waktu sujud terakhir or solat sunat taubat..dan selalunya tangisan mengiringi aku waktu 2..

Apa yang aku boleh simpulkan kat sini, tangisan atau air mata bukanlah hak exclusive perempuan..kerana lelaki pun boleh menangis..ciptaan Allaah dah mmg lengkap..kenapa kita nak tahan2 plak??..tp berpadalah..biarlah tangisan kita 2 penuh bermakna..

insyaAllah, jumpa lagi next entry…dah ada topik, cuma kena curi masa sket..aku sisipkan utk korg lagu “Each Tear” by Mary J. Blige feat Jay Sean..moga ada sikit motivasi from this song..(walaupun aku tau lagu nie tok org cintan2, tp liriknya sgt bermakna..), enjoy…  :)

Each Tear

There's something that I want to say 
But I feel like I don't know how 
Still I just can't hold it one more day 
So I think I'll let it out 

(No mistake) 
You're on my mind more than I may show (No mistake) 
You're in my heart more than you may know 
And the last thing that I want 
Is for you to fall apart 
The future will get clearer 
I want you to remember 

Each tear 
there's a lesson (there's a lesson) 
Make you wiser than before (wiser) 
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger) 
Each tear (each tear) 
Brings you closer to your dreams 
No mistake, no heartbreak 
Can take away what you're meant to be 

We can't change the things that we've done 
That's in the past 
But fighting won't get us anywhere 
So if you want, here's my hand 

(No mistake) 
Every night there is one thing I do (No mistake) 
I bow my head and pray for you (Pray for you) 
And the last thing that I want 
Is for you to fall apart 
The future will get clearer 
I want you to remember 

Each tear 
there's a lesson (there's a lesson) 
Makes you wiser than before (wiser) 
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger) 
Each tear (each tear) 
Brings you closer to your dreams 
No mistake, no heartbreak 
Can take away what you're meant to be 

You're much more than a struggle that you go through 
You're not defined by your pain so let it go 
You' re not a victim 
you're more like a winner 
And you're not a defeat 
you're more like a queen 

Each tear 
there's a lesson 
Makes you wiser than before 
Makes you stronger than you know (stronger than you know) 
Each tear (each tear) 
Brings you closer to your dreams 
No mistake, no heartbreak 
Can take away what you're meant to be 

Each tear (each tear) 
there's a lesson (there's a lesson) 
Makes you wiser than before (wiser) 
Makes you stronger than you know 
Each tear (Make you so much stronger) 
Brings you closer to your dreams 
No mistake, no heartbreak 
Can take away what your meant to be 

No no we can't be held down 
No no oh no I, I, I, can't held down 
You you you can't be held down 
We we we can't be held down 

It makes you so much stronger (stronger) 
It makes you so much wiser (wiser) 
Each tear (in each tear) 
And you're so close to your dreams and 
No mistake, no heartbreak can take away what you're meant to be.

p/s:recommended korg tgk drama korea 49 days..jgn la percaya cerita 2 tp amik pengajaran bagaimana berharganya air mata org yg syg kat kita..

September 18, 2011

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Apa khabar semua? Harap-harap sihat la ek. Memang lama aku x update blog nie. Bukan x de masa, tp malas je. :) rasa lapuk la plak bler dah lama x mengarang…hehehe..

Baiklah, aku nak wat 1 perubahan untuk cara penulisan aku. Jeng..jeng..jeng..x de la berubah sgt. Cuma tambah tolak sikit je.

Pertama: sebelum aku wat entry baru, aku akan kumpul maklumat dulu. Aku lebih suka tulis apa yang aku experienced.. so, aku bley letak segala macam perasaan yang aku rasa masa ‘mengarang’..

Kedua: tajuk entry aku hanya 1 perkataan (InsyaAllaah, bergantung pada keadaan)..sebab?..sebab aku suka..tenggg~~

Ketiga: gambar yang relevance masih dikekalkan..pembelajaran lebih berkesan dgn adanya gambar..hehe..jadi cikgu jap..

Keempat: aku minta maaf awal2..mungkin entry yg aku wat akan ada ‘bias’..sebab aku mmg ‘bias’ dgn Hallyu Stars..especially SNSD… :)

Banyak plak kan??..ok, stop…amacam?..suka x??..terpulang la..peace..till next then…