Fuhh!!! Apa kabo sume??... lame gler kan aku x update blog… start from study week, exam, and sampailah dah nak habis cuti…well, sibuk sangat…hehe…(sibuk ke??..)
Disebabkan aku nie malas sgt nk study masa study week, so, aku amik keputusan tok x nak bukak laptop for I bler dah habis exam, aku sibuk plak nk g holiday. Semalam baru habis holiday secara official..hehe…
Well, sebelum citer pasal my holiday…let’s check out my routine or maybe the way I study to be words can describe therefore just some pics to show…
It is also additional pics from my friend..Dayah…yeah!!!
Slide show please!!!

meja study kesayangan..hee~~~

bersepah gler~~

study kena ada lampu...
(x nak rabun mata)...hehe..

nie meja sebenar yg macam tongkang pecah...
tp skunk dah cantik..hehe..

nie meja Dayah ek...
macam2 dia tampal..

nie tempat Dayah...
nk tiru aku la 2...hehe..

parcel from m'sia kat bawah 2 je...
lapar terus cekau pe yg ada..

nie la cek mek yg tgh berlakon..
p/s: berdebar nak dapat result exam,,,huhu,,,
uii bersepah nye.....
ReplyDeletetikus ley mmbiak....