Hey guys…how are you?..hope always in a good health..well, I’m gonna some time to update this little baby, cute.aaa…I don’t know, simple word my blog. excited to start???. good. oh please..don’t fall back from the chair…chillax..
Alright, enough of the introduction…( is it??.. ) whatever…for this entry, I don’t really have an idea to write…well, if it is not an idea it must be…. only an idea…let’s rock and roll…
The first rock: guess what? My friends and I went to watch movie babe. Yeah!! Transformer 3. LOL..everyone is talking about it now…wait a minute…you guys in Malaysia will definitely won’t get it…why??...it’s the same story maaa…

Ok..let me roll it…have you guys ever watch a movie in CINEMA to be specific??…of course you are right??...but the truth is, there are some…but I would say it is totally different what we got in Malaysia…why I said so??...the reasons are describe below:
Before entry, you guys gonna experience an immigration check…woo..it feels like…erm…don’t know to describe it..

Ever heard of salty and tomato popcorn flavor??..woo…you are so unlucky…they have it here in India…ahh…don’t ask me about how it taste… (I feel like vomiting…huuu)

Then, this is the best part ever…I’m sure 110% that you guys wanna this type of chair (is it chair??..whatever) in Malaysia…I’m gonna let you guys to wonder it first…any idea how the chair is???..no??..alright…the chair is super awesome…you can just slide and rest on the back…even if you got the front seat..you not gonna have the neck sprain…trust me!!!

The next thing is not really best part caused in the middle of the movie…we have a BREAK…ever watch Hindi movie with INTERMISSION…that was the time when they stop the movie for a while…and we the viewers can go to the toilet and some of them go to buy another popcorn!!!what the>>>>huh…it’s last for 10-15 minutes…

And the most incredible thing is the exit from the cinema….as I went down the stairs and the next thing is I was at the outside of the mall…you guys ever believe it…the cinema is at the 3rd floor…and we exit not only the cinema but also the mall…that time I was like blurred and WHAT????....

I’m done…I passed my sleep time actually..i’m always trying to remind myself that even I don’t like something, I have to try to like it…cause at the end of the day we realized that for some reason, it is not so bad, we gonna have to face it the way it was…cause that different make a day to me… yeah!!see you guys next time…cannot promise when…seeya!!
p/s: do have some consideration in your life..take home message from PAI…
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